Deloitte service team has a thorough understanding on the application of China Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards in banking industry. We will follow-up the latest development of the Accounting Standards together with experts from the technical division of DTT and Deloitte China, discuss and evaluate the influence of the new Accounting Standards with management of XXXX, as well as explore corresponding measures. We will also assess the potential risk of counter measures applied by XXXX for the changes in new Accounting Standards, and provide training and guidance for the main points and difficulties that we should pay attention to in the application of new Accounting Standards, as well as offer advice and assistance to XXXX in establishment of information system and measuring model that complied with accounting and disclosure requirements of the new Accounting Standards.
We will assist XXXX to evaluate the potential influence of the latest development of the Accounting Standards on the first application and subsequent financial report of XXXX as soon as possible; and assist XXXX to organize and adjust existing operation and management mode via the latest development of the standards, so as to avoid the negative influence maybe brought to XXXX in executing the new standards. In addition, we will track on the latest movement of International Financial Reporting Standards and Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and provide explanation, guidance and training on the standards for XXXX.
The amendment and issuance of the standards may require reporting entities to make changes and investment in aspects of mechanisms, procedures, systems, instruments and staffs as well as make implementation plan in advance. For example, we will offer advice and assistance to XXXX on the establishment of information system and measuring modal relating to measurement of financial asset impairment and faire value on the measurement of amortization cost that complied with the requirement of the standards to against the challenges in application of new Accounting Standards by XXXX.